Thursday, June 28, 2007

Race Survey

I was asked to answer a few random questions about some races. So, here you go!

1. First Race ever:Do the Hershey Track and Field races count (in elementary school)? Or the 800 meter in high school? Or the 5k I did in law school?

2. Race with the hottest weather:Cayman Islands in 2006. 78 degrees with 100% humidty at 5am.

3. Race with the coldest weather:Varies. Temp was 12 in Beltsville, MD (GWB Marathon). But windchill is a toss-up between a few others

4. Race with the most rain:Nova Scotia Marathon in the tail end of Tropical Storm Beryl.

5. Race with the most "perfect" weather:Niagara Falls Marathon Oct 2006

6. Best-organized race:Drake Well Marathon

7. Worst-organized race:Orlando Xtreme Marathon

8. Flattest race with no hills:Drake Well Marathon

9. Race with the most hills:Leadville Marathon

10. Race with the best refreshments:JFK 50 miler. They had real food when you needed REAL FOOD.

11. Race with the worst refreshments:Hmm. A few to mention. None out weighing the other. Basically anythingwith Ultima. Can't stand the stuff.

12. Race you were most excited about beforehand:Drake Well Marathon

13. Most enjoyable race:Anyone I finish.

14. Least enjoyable race:Ones where controllable things are not controlled.

15. Race where you were in the most physical pain:Leadville Marathon. More or less because of the Estes Park Marathon before hand coupled with Leadville's difficulty

16. Race you are most proud of, and why: Presque Isle Endurance Classic. 84 miles in 12 hours.

17. Race you are least proud of, and why: Races where I leave anything on the table.

18. Fastest race you've run, considering the distance: Considering the distance? What the heck does that mean?

19. Race where you knew the most other people running it: Hmmm. So many to choose from I am unsure.

20. Race with the most runners: NYC Marathon

21. Smallest race with the fewest runners: Drake Well Marathon: 21 starters, 20 finishers.

22. Furthest race from your home: Dalian, China Marathon

23. Closest race to your home:Marine Corps Marathon. Mile 2 is at my doorstep.

24. Race with the best crowd support:NYC has most supporters. I still like MCM

25. Race with little or no crowd support:Many.

26. Race where you did much better than you expected:Niagara Falls Marathon. First sub-3.

27. Race where you did much worse than you expected:First marathon.

28. Race where your photos looked the best:Buffalo Marathon

29. Race where your photos looked the worst:Plenty.


  1. "18. Fastest race you've run, considering the distance: Considering the distance? What the heck does that mean?"

    It means weighted performance, like using a MacMillan calculator. So a marathon of 3:10 would technically be better performance than a 10K at 41:00. The 3:10 marathon would be worse performance than a half-marathon at 1:28. If you weighted all of your races using such a calculator, which race would be the fastest, or best peformance?

  2. That seems to be a little oddd. I am guessing the 2:05 800 I ran would be the best (given the calcualotr says I can run a 2:36 marathon with that)
