Sunday, September 30, 2007


Even with one of my lower weekly mileage totals all year (just 25 miles due to recovery from the Lake Relay and in my semi taper before the Steamtown Marathon in one week) I was able to cover the most mileage I have ever done in one month with a 6.5 mile jaunt Sunday evening.

In addition, I didn't run at all on Saturday as I took part in the Nation's Triathlon here in D.C.>, as a member of a relay. Unfortunately, the wetsuit gave me the most fierce of all burns on the back of my neck (picture to be added later) which is quite puzzling.

I will have a smallish recap up about the Triathlon as soon as they post the final results on the website. They posted no relay results on race day at the race and have not made any changes to the website in the past few days. Slightly disappointing given the chip timing system but perhaps I am a product of the instant-gratification genre of this generation.

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