Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The 50 States and DC Marathon Group Humanitarian Award

In my many blogs about marathons, I have often spoken about my running friend Rob Toonkel. He is a tireless runner with 115 marathons to his credit (last i knew at least. He runs them far more often than I can keep track). Well, recently he was awarded the The 50 States and DC Marathon Group Humanitarian Award for 2008.

Rather than repeat the eloquent things said about him in my own prose, I am going to simply provide a link to the wonderful article about Rob. Way to go Rob!


Rob in all the way to the right.


  1. Wow! Congratulations, Rob. What in inspiration to those of us who think we can't possibly balance one more thing. :) This is certainly well-deserved!

    Dane, as always, thank you for sharing these stories of outstanding people!

  2. As much as I'd like to find a way to play devil's advocate with this post, there simply isn't anything else to say but "holy moley". Very inspirational to say the least.
