Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Speaking Tour over

I just wrapped up a week-long trip through Southern California on the aforementioned speaking tour hitting all of the Road Runner Sports stores in the area. First and foremost I want to thank Road Runner Sports for making this possible and for promoting this speaking tour to their employees, customers and runners city-wide. But without a doubt, I want to thank all the runners and walkers who came out to hear my story about how you needn’t know what your limits are to try and go beyond them. I hope to be collaborating with Road Runner Sports more in the future. Stay tuned!

I met a plethora of wonderful people at the stores and was also fortunate enough to catch up with many good friends at the same time. I want to say that I am flattered that all of you have been clamoring for the book chronicling Fiddy2 to come out and it will be on the shelves as soon as possible. In the meantime, I can only hope everyone continues to email me with their questions, thoughts and comments.

In addition, be sure to keep your eyes here for the marathons that I will be both running and speaking at this summer and fall and beyond. A more comprehensive list will be placed here once details are finalized.

For now, I am going to enjoy the comfort of my own bed. I am pretty sure I have one. I better go check.


  1. I have been checking back here regularly for updates on the tour. Glad to hear everything went well Dane.

  2. I'm glad the tour went well, Dane, and I have my fingers crossed for many positive responses to your marathon speaking engagements. Can't wait for the book to come out! :)

  3. Glad you feel positive about it! Here's hoping it opens even more doors for the future!

    (and thank you for mentioning walkers in there, I think they get a bum wrap alot)
