Monday, March 15, 2010

Continued Inspiration

Traveling every weekend to race and speak can be quite tiring indeed.  I often mention all the inspiring stories I hear and wonderful people I meet but it would take me hours to recount them all.  However, their kind words and thoughts make all the exhausting work well worth it.  In fact, I received this email the other day and wanted to share it because it warmed my heart.
Dane – Here are some pictures from the Cowtown Marathon in Ft. Worth .  I am so proud of my family and have to give you much of the credit for getting us out there.  My husband and I met you at the Long Beach Marathon last fall where we were both doing our first half marathon.  We bought your book, read it, loved it, sent it to one of our sons – he read it, loved it and talked us into doing the Cowtown Marathon!  

Of course, he was going to do the full marathon but due to a training injury was only able to do the half.  My husband and I did the full…our first!!  We were so inspired by what you have accomplished that we decided to try to inspire our family as well – and it worked!!  All in all we ended up with two of us finishing the full marathon, two of our sons did the half marathon, four participants in the 10k, three in the 5k and all four of our grandchildren did the kids 5k (the youngest is only 4).  

We all had a terrific weekend and everybody wants to do it again next year!  We already have several more family members and friends who want to join in for the next one.  So we thank you for what you do, and for being an inspiration to us all!

-Jeannie & Paul Bier

And to Jeannie, Paul and their family, I say no.  Thank you for being so wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's pretty fabulous! Such a great inspiration you are, Dane. And this family is amazing as well. Kudos to them all!
