Wednesday, April 21, 2010

AOR 202: A Final Note

First and foremost, I want to thank all the wonderful people wishing me good luck in my 202 miler starting *gulp* tomorrow.

Second, I want to let everyone know they can follow my progress on my twitter page which will be updated via my profile.  My crew will try to post every leg with its split time so you will always be able to pinpoint where I am.  For a list of all the legs and an overall interactive map, you can go to the AOR website here.

Third, good luck to all of the other teams as they start throughout the day on Friday (the earliest at 7 AM).  I myself am hoping to finish Saturday afternoon with a bulk of the teams but don't care much if it takes me until Tuesday.  Barring dire unforeseen circumstances, I will finish all 202 miles.

So from 95 Presidential Circle, Gettysburg, PA‎ to the corner of Water and 9th Streets on the SW waterfront in DC, I will be running.  Few of us know in advance when life-changing events will occur in advance.  I am one of those lucky few.

It's about time to go for a long run.


  1. Good luck Dane! I'll be sure to keep on eye on your twitter feed to see the updates.

  2. Good luck Dane!! You'll do great :)

  3. Good luck Dane see you in a bit! Hopefully!

  4. Hi Dane, this is Danielle, the little girl from Cowtown who handed out t-shirts by your signing table. I am going to keep track of your run with my mommy's help. This is very exciting, Good luck and I know you can do it!
