Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Visit with ROAD ID

Nearly five years ago, when planning my 52 Marathons, I was learning about running and all the things that go with it.  I began wondering if there was a product that acted like a dog tag of sorts for runners.  I actually had designs on creating my own and being a marketing genius and retiring with my millions.  Of course, the product already existed and was far superior to what I had in mind.  The product was ROAD ID.

In that time, I have become an enormous advocate of ROAD ID.  My stumping for the product was brought home to me personally when I was hit by a car last August. Fortunate enough to not have been knocked unconscious, I was still groggy enough to point to my ROAD ID when the EMTs arrived to ask me who I was and everything else needed to make me safe.  Ironically, one of the EMTs was a ROAD ID wearer himself and actually recognized me from a ROAD ID ad in Runner's World a few years ago.

I was recently talking with a friend who has "been thinking" about getting a ROAD ID for quite some time now.  Well, it is now time to stop thinking about getting one and get one.  Will ROAD ID create a forcefield around you and make you impervious to accidents?  Obviously not.  However, as I said in my ad above, it is about providing peace of mind for those who care about you and adding precious seconds to those trying to help you in the case of an emergency. You never hope to have to use your sealtbelt, but if you ever have you are happy you were wearing it.

Now, as a ROAD ID ambassador, I am doing what I can to help spread the word about making sure people be aware of who you are in the event of an emergency.  As I sat with the owners of ROAD ID and we hashed out plans to work together for hopefully the next half of a decade and beyond, we spoke about the video I helped them create to wish Levi Leipheimer luck on going for his fourth Tour of California win, how ROAD ID can continue to be at the forefront of the athletic movement, and most importantly, how others can be as safe as possible out there while they enjoy the events which make them smile.  I know one way for sure and that is to Go get your ROAD ID!


  1. I'm a huge fan of ROAD ID and own one myself since years. One point I have to make is that for some reason the plate wears out pretty fast. Upon telling ROAD ID about this they instantly mailed me a new one since they have a lifetime guarantee; however, the new one starts to wear out again. Maybe engraving the text instead of printing it would make a difference...

  2. Interesting comment, ultrarunner. I have never had such a problem and i have sure worn the heck out of mine through running and swimming (and sweating!)

  3. I am also a fan of ROAD ID. I wear mine on every run. Interestingly, my wife worries more about me now than she did before I got it. I guess having my ROAD ID just brought her attention to the possibility that something could happen while I'm out running.
