Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Bangla-Dash

Being in the position I am, I run across more people than you can imagine who are taking on challenges, raising money for some reputable charity or pushing their limits. I wish I could just do a download of all of them onto my website and say "Check this out and this out and this out!"  Unfortunately, if I did (or even had the time to do so) my page would be nothing but links. However, once in a while something clicks which I have to share.

As you are aware, I am running 350 miles in 7 days on the Oregon Coast. The other day i received this email:

"Dear Dane,

My name is Chris Hesse, you probably don't remember me.  I first met you when we shook hands as I stumbled across the finish line of the Drake Well Marathon in 09.  (The hills, humidity and heat held me back that day!)  Our paths crossed once again in San Francisco for the SF marathon.  We chatted briefly at the expo and you blew by me at around mile 22!  (I think you were wearing a skirt?!)  [Dane note: We was right. I was wearing a Running Skirt to support my friends at Or so I claim.]

Anyhow, I am teaming up with an Aussie and we are running from Kolkata, India to Dhaka, Bangladesh.  It's around 180 miles and we plan to do it in four days.  It's not the running, but the cause that we are running for that is the big thing.  We are trying to build and support at least two schools in both Dhaka and rural Bangladesh.  If you could see what life is like here you would be blown away.

The story is pretty interesting, our training/runs are insane and it's all for a good cause.  Anyhow, if you have time, check out our website  for more information."

Well, I did and I think you should too.  Given the similarity of what we are doing in terms of miles and hoping to help the youth of this world, I felt it was kismet Chris wrote to me.  As such, I wanted to share this story so you can see it and read more about it.

Chris and his running friend are indeed doing what they can to make a positive change in the world.  I hope you do so as well.

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