Thursday, February 27, 2025

Knee Surgery Journal - 21 Days Post Surgery

Today marks exactly one year since my last run outside in Minneapolis. When I was in Peru on Thanksgiving I did three runs outside and was feeling rather elated.  It was the first time in eight months I had run for more than a minute or so. Then when I came home, I did three treadmill runs in early
December as was prescribed to see if I was still improving.. The latter is where I knew that my previous meniscus surgery repair did not work. It was clear that it wasn't a muscle imbalance issue and wasn't that I hadn't done my therapy correctly. 

It is also amazing what perspective does for someone. I am now three weeks out from my last partial knee replacement surgery. It feels as if no time has passed at all. Before my surgery last year, the longest I had ever gone without running was 14 days.  Now being told that three months from the surgery I should be running again feels like it will be here before I know it. And knowing I should be able to swim in three weeks makes me even happier.

My latest PT session had me getting my knee to 114 degree bent and -6 degrees straight for a nice round 120 degrees of Range Of Motion. And today I was down a little more weight even though I felt I might actually had put on a few pounds. Instead, I am sitting at 209.3.  Baby steps there.

I am remaining optimistic. Even with my limitations, I feel the best I have in over a year and half. I remind myself often that I am 15 years older than my father was when he lost the use of his leg. Each step is a gift but I want more. I crave to return to running and the goals I have set.  To continue to do things never done before and to check off so many boxes that have been empty the last five years or so becasue of COVID and then this injury.

Meanwhile, if you are reading this, go to, download the app, set up your profile for free and help make the on-demand app which safely connects athletes with their own personalized training guide a success!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Knee Surgery Journal - 17 Days Post Surgery

 Since I last posted, I have given up my walker entirely (after nine days) and switched to a cane.  Not just any cane but the actual cane my father used for 30-plus years of his life.I am realizing I was taller than my father as the cane just doesn't fit right.  But then again, even after using the cane for just a few days, I rarely use it at all unless I am going outdoors and need some more stability.

I have had a follow-up with my doctor and a PT sessions since my last post.  Doctor said the surgery went great and my incision looks excellent.  I was warned that there is a shelf life in this knee and if I return to running I will wear that shelf-life down. Somewhere in the 5-10 year period perhaps.  I am not using this a fodder for the "I will show them!" crowd or those lame stories that will "the doctor said I would never walk again but look at me now!" but rather just to manage my expectations and hopefully still surpass them. Perhaps that is all I can get out of this knee and will need to have further surgery.  If so, in the year 2035 (how is that freaking possible that that is just ten years away) when Trump is either in jail or has died, I will have to get another surgery. I understand that each surgery increases the risk of infection but I hope that we can make sure that doesn't happen one third of the way through this 21st century.

My PT session was a good one with me being able to crank my knee to about 106 degrees of flexion and also past 0 degrees to straighten. It hurts to do so, but that's fine. I need to work through the scar tissue and make this knee work for me again. My at home PT is going decent as well as I continue to strengthen the quad muscles and bend and bend and bend the knee.

I am down to 210.8 pounds which isn't too bad since that is almost entirely by diet alone. My pre-surgery physical and day of blood draw showed that I have elevated bilirubin (which I always knew) but also some higher than I would like sugar an cholesterol levels. However, as I gained 50 lbs I know that will come down in the near future.  Looking to get another physical some time in maybe July to see how those numbers have improved.

The past week I have implemented doing a short 20 minute set of chest, shoulders, back, and biceps once or twice a day to strengthen my upper body and burn some calories. I was told that in 4 weeks I can begin swimming again which was a really nice surprise. I truly think that once I return to running, I will likely bring my miles back down to pre-pandemic levels. I averaged roughly 2500 miles a year before COVID.  After, with less races and more time spent at home, I was over 3,000. I can see making my lies count much more than counting my miles in the future, supplementing with a return to swimming and maybe (yuck) some cycling as well. 

All told, the weight is down, the knee is bending, and things are looking good so far.  I have been told that a full knee replacement often has a constant trajectory of healing whereas partial seems to have ebbs and flows. So I am ready for that if it is the case.

Thanks for following along! Another report in likely a week.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Knee Surgery Journal - Eight Days Post Surgery

I have an initial physical therapy evaluation under my belt and one full PT session. Amongst other things I utilized during the full PT session was this machine that locked your leg in place and you then used a hand crank to move your leg straight and then the opposite way to get it bent. 

Straight was a piece of cake.  Getting it to 0 degrees was no problem and the 30 seconds I kept it there before moving to bent was actually a pleasurable feeling.

Bending the knee was a different story. I was happy to get a good 3-4 degrees past 90 degrees but it definitely took a little work. By the fifth time of both of these exercises I was ready for a break.

I am still using my walker to get around and haven't felt the need to push it walking-wise. There is virtually no pain from doing so but definitely the entire area is a little weak and wonky.  What I can tell already is that the pain I had in my knee from simply walking no longer seems to be present. In other words, half of this surgery's purpose, for me, was to alleviate the pain. The other half was to allow me to get back to running again. It is obviously early days in that portion of the plan but the relief from the pain that, at the end of the last few months had me limping with every step is enormous.

Haven't weighed myself this week as I know I am losing weight and want to wait maybe another week to see a bigger drop.

Meanwhile, I finally took the bandage off my knee after a week and yes I will have a doozy of a scar but I have a body full of scars so it doesn't bother me too much.  If it heals anything like the hand surgery scar I had I will be quite happy. Then again, if it functions properly it can be as ugly as it wants.  I think my days of runway model are behind me anyway. 

A little picture for posterity.  I like how Texas Ranger (my walker) made an appearance in the background there.  That little scamp.

Virtually no bruising that I can see and the swelling has done nothing but go down since the surgery.  Both  are those are a surprise.  The lines on my leg you see were put their by the surgery team and I have not felt it necessary to pub hard enough when I shower to clean them off. I do not wish to pull the flesh and damage the stitches or sutures.

Right now I have very high hopes and am feeling optimistic if already a bit impatient. How I went two months on crutches and then months barely walking is beyond me.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Knee Surgery Journal - Four Days Post Surgery

Surgery to get my partial knee replacement was on Thursday February 6th.  I was talking to everyone as they placed me on the operating table and then BLAM, I was out. Tow hours later I started to come to in the recovery area. It then took me a good hour before I was remotely cognizant and was taken to my own room. For the remainder of that day I felt fairly good. Virtually no pain in my knee. That seemed a bit odd until I was reminded I had an injection in my spine as well as a pain blocker on my legs. Not being able to feel anything below the waist means you also don't feel pain.

I had to spend the night in the hospital and slept decently considering I was awoken every 90 minutes to take some type of drug or have some sort of vitals recorded. Standard procedure and no complaints but come morning I was a bit groggy. My surgeon came in and told me that everything went well and I was unremarkable. I wanted to argue with him as I felt insulted and then I recalled you want "unremarkable". 

I left the hospital on Friday around lunch and now that I had feeling in my legs again the pain was rearing its ugly head. The first night at home was not brutal but far from fun as I could not possibly find a single position to fall asleep in that did not cause me pain. Pain medication helped for sure.

My second day home slid by in a haze. My third day post surgery was finally the first day that I was able to relieve myself. (Not trying to be gross; just documenting it for others who might experience the same thing.) It's funny how being unable to bend your leg makes it difficult to do some of the simplest things that our body wants to do. Super Bowl Sunday was my third day post surgery and I could put full weight on my knee while standing, even if I did not feel quite ready to walk on it yet. 

Monday I slept in until an unbelievably late hour simply because my medicines knocked me TF out. I was been able to walk around with the walker with no problem whatsoever and was getting excited about physical therapy that evening. At PT, I was able to get my leg to 90 degrees flexion with some discomfort. I was told that getting here in two weeks was the goal so I was at least ahead of that. I was also advised that while walking could be done without the walker, that walking was not part of my PT for now.

All told, while this is a rather dull and dry recap of the past few days (I blame the drugs because boy howdy they are strong) I am happy that nothing remarkable has happened. Full physical therapy begins Wednesday. Keeping all my hopes in check but excited for the possibilities.