Thursday, February 27, 2025

Knee Surgery Journal - 21 Days Post Surgery

Today marks exactly one year since my last run outside in Minneapolis. When I was in Peru on Thanksgiving I did three runs outside and was feeling rather elated.  It was the first time in eight months I had run for more than a minute or so. Then when I came home, I did three treadmill runs in early
December as was prescribed to see if I was still improving.. The latter is where I knew that my previous meniscus surgery repair did not work. It was clear that it wasn't a muscle imbalance issue and wasn't that I hadn't done my therapy correctly. 

It is also amazing what perspective does for someone. I am now three weeks out from my last partial knee replacement surgery. It feels as if no time has passed at all. Before my surgery last year, the longest I had ever gone without running was 14 days.  Now being told that three months from the surgery I should be running again feels like it will be here before I know it. And knowing I should be able to swim in three weeks makes me even happier.

My latest PT session had me getting my knee to 114 degree bent and -6 degrees straight for a nice round 120 degrees of Range Of Motion. And today I was down a little more weight even though I felt I might actually had put on a few pounds. Instead, I am sitting at 209.3.  Baby steps there.

I am remaining optimistic. Even with my limitations, I feel the best I have in over a year and half. I remind myself often that I am 15 years older than my father was when he lost the use of his leg. Each step is a gift but I want more. I crave to return to running and the goals I have set.  To continue to do things never done before and to check off so many boxes that have been empty the last five years or so becasue of COVID and then this injury.

Meanwhile, if you are reading this, go to, download the app, set up your profile for free and help make the on-demand app which safely connects athletes with their own personalized training guide a success!

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