Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Energizer Keep Going Award Nominations Open!

You may recall last year that I was one of the Top Ten Finalists to win the Energizer Keep Going Award.

While I was not the final recipient of this award (out of an outstanding crop of finalists), I was recently informed by those running this contest that the nomination process is open again. I obviously would love to win this award in 2010 as the winner receives $5,000 to go to the charity of their choosing.

Ironically, the deadline for submitting a nominee is April 23, 2010 - or the exact day when the American Odyssey Relay officially starts and I will already be ~100 miles into my 202 mile run. If you were to so choose to nominate me, I would of course be greatly appreciative of your doing so.  And if nominated I hope you will return to their site every day to cast your vote so I can bring home that bacon and help a worthwhile charity!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! You can count on me, Dane! Let's do this thing!!
