Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Life is good Playmakers/ Falmouth Road Race

When Monday rolls around, social media is filled with “Ugh, this is Monday!” memes and complaints. Unrelated to Monday itself but in the same realm of framing things negatively, when something nice happens around the world people will post a link and say that this restores their faith in humanity. To me, a person who can easily get upset by people not backing away from the luggage carousel at the airport, these are odd complaints. Mondays don’t suck.  Either your attitude or your job does. Change one if not both of them.  If you need your faith in humanity restored, part of that is on you for not surrounding yourself with good humanity. In other words, Life is good.

As such, it gives me great pleasure to announce I have begun to work with the Life is good Playmakers. From their own website,“…playmakers are men and women who dedicate their lives to building healing, life-changing relationships with children.”

I have spent a majority of my time over the last few years doing what I can to reach out to all people to chase their dreams.  However, while it is great to get adults engaged in dream chasing, it is even better to instill that sense in our youth so that hopefully, someday, the need for me to inspire will be far less than it is today.  In the meantime, I plan to continue the work I have done doing what I can to help kids.  From meeting them at their own playing fields in Florida, to stopping in the middle of 350 mile runs up the coast of Oregon in their schools, and everywhere in between, I have found kids only need a little guidance and a little shove to take on the challenges in front of them. This is where the Life is good Playmakers comes in.

First on this list of things we will be doing is the Falmouth Road Race.  An iconic event which I have always wished to run, I will be taking on this 7.1 miler in a fundraising capacity for the non-profit Playmakers. There are two ways you can get involved.

1. If you would like to contribute to helping make good things happen for children when children need them most, please click here to donate.

2. In the alternative, if you wish to join me as an athlete at the Falmouth Road Race, I also have two bib numbers generously provided by the Life is good Playmakers. You would simply have to take on the same fundraising goal I am taking to run the race for this fantastic group!  If you are interested, drop me an email at danerunsalot@yahoo.com

I am looking forward to where this new chapter in helping to make children healthier will go and can’t wait for you to join me!

1 comment:

  1. Dane. Good for you! No pun intended. Or maybe it was. ;-) This seems Ike a relationship where the combination of your energy and passion will complement the mission of this great company nicely. Go get 'em!
