Taken from the website:
"The Brooksie Way races are named in memory of Brooks Stuart Patterson, the 28-year-old son of Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson. Brooksie, as he was known to his family and friends, died in 2007 after a tragic snowmobile accident. Ironically, his death came just days after his father's State of the County address in which plans were announced for a county-sponsored half marathon as part of a wellness initiative for county residents.
A businessman, entrepreneur, husband and father, Brooksie left behind a wife and three children.
Brooks Stuart Patterson's lasting legacy is the exuberance with which he lived his life, the passion he had for family and friends and his dreams for the future. That's why we named the race in his memory, "The Brooksie Way."
I was turned onto this race by my friend Leah and could not be more happy top be part of the weekend's events. With speeches planned at 11 a.m. , 1 p.m. and 3 p.m I hope to continue to bring both insight and levity to another batch of runners. As the Brooksie Way races are put on, at least in part, by the same people who are involved with the nationally known Crim Festival of Races, I know I am in good hands. Rumor has it that Olympic Marathon qualifier Brian Sell will be on hand to run this race.
Sell, know for his wild mustache and sideburns renditions is beloved by many for his workmanlike attitude towards running. While he claims to have only been mediocre in high school (and therefore making us who really WERE mediocre laugh), it is easy to understand where Brain comes from in the relative sense of the word. I hope I have a chance to meet with him and let him know how many of us out there appreciate how he puts such a good face and soul on the sport.

I will also be representing the Runnin' Gear store in one capacity or another on race day. Exactly how is yet to be determined but owner Paul Coughlin has been wonderfully receptive to the idea of working together and you can really tell he cares about the sport.
It should be a great weekend and I hope to see you there!
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