On June 13th, from Stanley to Ketchum, two towns in Idaho, the 61.9 mile Sawtooth Relay takes place. Six teammates, each running two 5 mile legs (approximately) will battle it out. I, however, will be running it solo.

This isn't the most novel thing in the world. People have been running long-distance relays solo for years. In fact, the Sawtooth Relay actually has an option for solo runs. This actually made me quite pleased since I now did not have to petition the RD to allow me to run it solo. However, I will be petitioning him to add .2 of a mile to the race. Why? Well, right now it sits just shy of a quarter of a mile short of being a full 100k (62.1 miles) and I figured since I am going to be running so darn long I might as well get an official 100k time out of this!
(ADDENDUM: I unfortunately was not able to persuade the race director to add 400 yards or so to make this race a true 100k. I am disappointed as I have a feeling there is plenty of real estate in the middle of Idaho to find 400 yards extra but I am nonetheless still running the race.)
I will be running under the Shu's logo and name and am proud to represent such a great store. When I was on my run the day before the Pittsburgh Marathon with Bill Rodgers, I mentioned how I had been in Boise recently. "I hope you were at Shu's!" Bill said. If you need any further recommendation of a place, then I have no idea what I can give you!

In case you are wondering, this is not just going to be 62 miles of running. I wish! No, there will be 3694.5 ft of climbing and 4241.3 ft of downhill (the race website has slightly different numbers - I am going by my map below), all in the 6,500-8,500 feet above sea level range. Ouch. Look at that hill at the halfway point (click to enlarge it). I am pretty sure I will be crying.

Hi Dane,
I can't be your crew but can be your long-distance crew and will be cheering for you on your 100k adventure. As prompted by your recent post, I looked at your upcoming schedule. Leadville?!?! I just read that chapter in your book. Going back for more, huh? I'm enjoying the book immensely!
Sue (from Pgh marathon!)
Hell Yeah Dane!!!! I will see you there! Where are you staying the night before? Who is crewing for you?
Woops. I should have read the whole post first. I've got a team running so I'm not sure what I could do to help. I would really like to help out though if we could make the logistics fly.
I would crew for you but you don't want me there. Meanie. ;) I WILL figure this out... no worries! I will make your cuisine and have someone volunteer to be your crew person. I've called Shu, Brit, Liz, Mike and a few others. Mike said he would do it, so there you go.
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