First off, in August I will be both speaking at and running the famed Falmouth Road Race in Falmouth, Massachusetts. Look for me at the expo the day before the race!
After that, I travel to the brand spanking new Little Grand Canyon Marathon in Price, UT on September 13th. In its inaugural year, they have shown great taste in picking a speaker. ;) I also plan on racing this marathon and checking out the unbelievable scenery along the way.
One short week at the Little Grand Canyon Marathon, I hop on a quick flight the the greater Denver area to again speak and run the Boulder Backroads Marathon.
I just got word today that I will be speaking at the Akron Marathon on Sept 27th at their pasta dinner as their featured speaker. (If you are counting at home, yes, I just ended that sentence in 4 consecutive prepositional phrases.) Come listen to me at the Zipper Capitol of the world!
Come November, I am traveling to the great Northwest, home of grunge and Frasier Crane to be the featured speaker at the Seattle Marathon. Presently, I am also not only running the race but will be the official 3:10 pace group leader!
With many more races around the country in the planning stages, I hope to be coming close to you soon. If you would like me to speak at your local race, you hold the power in your fingertips. Write to your local race director and let them know!
Come now, who can resist these legs? :)

Dane, great to here you will be in my neck of the woods in November! Not only a speaker but also the pacer for the 3:10 group? WAY TO GO!!
Wow, you will be very busy, Dane. I will make sure to pass along to my Cleveland runner friends (some of whom may be pacing at Akron again) that you will be there.
Also wanted to let you know that I ran the Presque Isle Half yesterday - and no it wasn't raining, but it was 75F and 85% humidity at the start. Good thing I train in Atlanta.
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