*First written in Dec 2014 this has been updated with links to other articles and the like which show the problems outlined within are still prevalent to present day*
The other day I was reading an article in a running
magazine. The author of the article was touting a literal cross-country running
route in Spain. In the article, the author makes a grand gesture of how they
suddenly quit their job, went home that night, and bought a plane ticket so they
could leave the next day for Spain. Upon arriving in Spain, they set off, with nary a
plan, to run the length of the country. I am exaggerating absolutely none of these details.
Having flown approximately half of a million miles in the
past half of a decade, I know a thing or two about air travel. I know price
points and availability of last-minute plane tickets. Upon hearing this supposed spur-of-the
moment trip, I was already heading into this article a teensy bit more than
skeptical about what I was going to read next. I tried not to be wary but it is like when your friends starts telling a b.s. story about something that happened and you were there. Total side-eye.
The author then goes on to speak about how they had little
more than a passport, a spare pair of running clothes, and a backpack on their
person. The skeleton of an idea was to
run this 500 mile route in a few weeks
and then head back home. Or something.
really doesn’t matter what the actual stated purpose was supposed to be.
Why? Because by this point, the story feels
like one of a thousand I have read where the author supposedly spontaneously
does [fill in the blank] and we as the reader are expected to buy the story
whole hog.
I despise this type of writing.
With the proliferation of blogs and social media and the
like, everyone can try to tell a story. This is wonderful in so many ways.
Hidden talent is no longer hidden because it can’t find an agent or an outlet.
However, the sheer amount of writing out there is chaff. Just because one can
hit keystrokes doesn’t mean they are a good writer. (I constantly feel like a
fraud when I write, wondering why anyone could possibly want to read my
musings. I expect at any moment to never sell another book and have zero people
click any link to any post I write.) As such, given the breadth of writings,
this can lead to much exaggeration in order to make one person’s story more
grandiose than the others.

One of the things I have prided myself on when it comes to
writing race recaps or tales of my adventures is to undersell what I have done.
I go out of my way to keep any exuberances to a minimum. However, if anything
unnatural occurs, I do my best to back it up with tangible evidence. If I say
that I got cut off at the finish line by a rude competitor rolling over the finishline with three other buddies arm-in-arm, it is rather
vindicating when the pictures arrive and shows that is exactly what happened. (See to the right.)
With the article I was reading, it was clear the author’s
main point was to wax poetic about this particular trail. But barely buried in
the subtext was how wonderfully care-free this author was supposed to be.
Sticking it to the man, throwing caution to the wind, and taking on Spain, come
what may. Look at me! I am bucking convention! My bank account is obviously
limitless and my talent and skills so high I needn’t prepare physically or gather
proper gear, route-planning or provisions! Be inspired by my awesomeness!
Of course, the author didn’t come close to finishing the entire
run. Some injury flared up and they called it quits after about eight days of
running and halfway across the trail.
But that doesn’t matter in today’s hyped world. Talk about what you are
going to do and you will get press.
up your adventure with a slick website or corporate funding and many will
forget that you never actually accomplished what you were getting all the
attention for in the first place. (
Then ask people to fund your movie about your un-accomplished goal.) Better yet, be vague about what you are
trying to do so no one can ever say you failed. Couple your efforts with
fund-raising and you become bulletproof. Only the mean-spirited would ever
point out you actually accomplished next to nothing and we all just paid for
your vacation to Hawaii to run a marathon. By the way, what were you raising
awareness for again?
(8.19.18 Update: Another perfect example of saying you will do something grandiose, completely failing almost out of the block but continuing to be vague about it is fitness model Ashley Horner's recent attempt to do an ironman-distance triathlon every day for 50 days. Out of the block it was clear she wasn't in the shape necessary to complete this. How each "triathlon" would get done was also sketchy with them all being basically elongated workouts each day with untimed but long breaks between each discipline. Then she took an extra day between the first and second triathlons. Then during the 3rd triathlon it appears she was unable to even finish the bike portion let alone the run. Then by day 5 or something she was calling it quits but with hints she may still continue with a triathlon or two a week.
No one questions she is fit or determined. But without a doubt don't you dare remotely point out how unorganized or unprepared she was to do this. Her supporters will fall lockstep in behind her regardless of the fact that she wasn't ready to take this on, this was clear form the beginning, she didn't even make it 10% of the way through before stopping and everything else. Why will they support her? Because she is doing it ...all together now..."for charity." Yet she soldiers on collecting funds and maybe kinda doing what she was supposed to do. No one really knows.
04.11.22 Update: Ashley still hasn't done another single Ironman triathlon four YEARS later.)
The biggest problem I have with this type of storytelling
is, even if it does inspire, it often will do so in a foolhardy way. The
thought process being, if the average joe can just pick up and conquer the world
then others feel they can, too. In the abstract, this is a wonderful idea. In
reality, it can lead to disaster or massive failure. More often than not,
however, tales of adventure have simply paved the way for a defeatist attitude. Many
stop before they even start. Having seen
this first-hand, let me explain.

When I speak about running
52 Marathons in 52 weekends,
eventually not only just completing the marathons but running them faster than
I had ever run a marathon before, I see many who are inspired to take on
Unfortunately, I also see
some who grasp the magnitude of the endeavor and it frightens them. They
immediately shirk any notion of chasing their dreams. “I could never run 52
Marathons!” They are missing the point
of seeing someone do something challenging.
I therefore specifically point out my undertaking was to
challenge myself. It was not to compare myself against others or to try and
break a world record. It was to push myself past my previous limitations. I
tell them not to think about running marathons but rather to think about something,
anything, they currently think they can’t do. Start a business. Run a race. Become a parent. Hopefully what I
have done will put them in the right frame of mind to tilt against their own
The point is to inspire, lift up and motivate. I make a
sincere effort to show how much planning, hard-work, and preparation went into
not only the running of the marathons but the living of my life in between the
races. That is why I say I despise the type of writing or story-telling which
glosses over those important details. The task which gets the headlines is
usually the easiest part of the entire excursion. Lost is all the behind-the-scenes stuff many
never think about. It is also one major reason the article I mention above
bothers me. It is also one of many
reasons I am disgusted by the movie/book/person behind Wild.
Talk about burying the lede.
If you don’t know,
Wild is the movie based off the book
From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed which Oprah
recently has lauded. The protagonist author (who has since blocked me on twitter) talks about how after losing her
mother and getting divorced she decides to walk 1000-plus miles along Pacific
Crest Trail. That’s the headline-grabbing synopsis. (
Note: the actual full PCT is ~2500 miles.) What is glossed over is
that Strayed appears by every account to be a manipulative user, a sneaky
opportunist, and while
possibly a good storyteller (definitely not a good writer- egads), one who may be completely
full of crap.
Lest you think I am attacking her unwarranted, let’s tackle
the “got a divorce” portion of her life. This wasn’t just irreconcilable
differences between two people who grew apart (
RIP Brangelina). No, Strayed had a series of what
we would generously call "affairs." What they really were is nothing less than a prostitute turning tricks to support a raging heroin habit (or sometimes just to
have sex.) (And Also it seems quite evident Strayed never was a heroin addict, either.)
An affair would at least add
a touch of connection between humans. Or maybe some person stuck in a
relationship who because of their past is not strong enough to break free. But
with Strayed, this was not the case. Her husband was apparently very loving and
doting. She wasn't looking to overcome anything; just wanted to sex up all of America.
(If she was smart she would claim to be "bi-polar" like Suzy Favor Hamilton.) Even after her divorce, while
she was hiking the trail, her cuckold husband was still sending her care
packages along the way of her supposed hike. But I am getting a tad ahead of
Losing a parent very young is not something I make light of.
I am sure this loss could have hurt Strayed deeply. But it rarely seems as if this was the case here. Rather, Strayed gives
the impression that she uses her mother’s death as the excuse for her string of
bad behavior and hurtful life choices. This passing appears to be nothing but subterfuge for a person who
simply wants to use others. Why else would she pack a box of condoms in her
backpack for her hike along the trail? If she could barely resist staring at the
outline of the penis of the male nurse hovering over her dying mother (her words in her book, not mine), how
could this poor girl be expected not to sleep with every trail runner she runs
into along the way? And according to Strayed, she was absolutely irresistible
to anything she happened along during her journey. This, of course, makes one
want to take a look at Strayed to see how ravishing she is. Upon seeing a few pictures, I think most would
agree that while she is not homely, she is not exactly the Lady in the Lake
either. But I digress.
Personal tastes aside, Strayed mentions the numerous people
she happens across. This seems a little
strange. How did Strayed happen across
so many people on a trail that is not exactly the National Mall? Tourists are
not dotting this trail, mile after mile. The answer lies in Strayed’s own
admission that she did what those in the trail running/hiking community call
“yellow-blazing.” Basically, she hitch-hiked major portions of the route. So, for starters Strayed didn’t actually hike
the whole trail. In fact, she didn’t come close. She received rides from many
of her male suitors along the way. She
skipped massive portions of the more difficult trail because she was absolutely
unprepared to take them on. She spent a great deal of time not on the trail,
but down in areas of higher population with apparently lustful men (and women) who
could not help but want her so bad. Whatever.
In fact, given her descriptions of the trails, or general
lack thereof, it is not a far leap whatsoever to wonder how much of the actual
trail Strayed hiked. A person of already
questionable scruples, it is not hard to believe most of what she is reporting
was exaggerated, if not completely fabricated. The only person’s word we have
to go on is Strayed’s. That’s what we call an unreliable witness in the law
world. (Note that Strayed often says things like "Why are we so consumed with what's real and what's not in fiction and non-fiction?" Um, because real is what non-fiction means!)
(A side note here about Strayed’s surname. She claims she changed it to this after her
divorce to signify how she was lost. As many have pointed out in a review of
her work, so much of this tale would be forgivable if Strayed showed any
remorse or growth along the journey. Instead, when she comes out on the other
side of the trail, she seems virtually unchanged. Years later, recounting these
events, she still says she is fine with her choices because obviously this is
just the way she is. So if others are hurt or chewed up and swallowed along the
way, so be it. Stay classy, Strayed.)

I could go on further to explain more why Strayed’s
recounting of her hike bothers me but let me try to be
more succinct. (Kudos to this Army vet thru-hiker who absolutely destroyed the book in a 30 plus part post. That takes more fortitude than hiking the actual trail!). I just spent the better part of the year
interviewing a large number of women for my third book,
Running With The Girls.
Throughout my writing career, I have made no qualms about the fact that I think
writing stories about those who have come back from bad choices in life is the
easiest type of writing possible. Anyone can write a heart-wrenching story
about the recovering alcoholic or drug user. What is challenging is to show how
inspiration and strength come from those who make the right choices and still
get handed the business end of life. Showing how people deal with the adversity of
circumstances they didn’t choose is real inspiration. This doesn’t mean the
others who did choose poorly can’t be applauded for their efforts.
But to do so at the sake of not giving
accolades to the ones who get back up from every knockdown they did not choose
to be in the ring for is folly.
those people are often ignored for the low-hanging fruit of inspiring stories.
So when I see Strayed glorified for her own horrible
choices, made again and again, and when she appears by every description to be a
rather yucky person, you can see why my stomach turns. Moreover, given the crux
of her book is how a completely physically unprepared person takes on this long
hike, you can see the correlation I am making to the author of the article
about running across Spain.
Strayed brags about her knowing nothing about gear,
nutrition, or even trying out her shoes until the night before her supposed
journey begins.
It is only through
incredible luck, the graciousness of other hikers along the way, and probably
more than a little stretching of the truth, that Strayed lived to tell her
tale. There is nothing inspiring about the philandering supposed drug user who takes on
a hike she probably didn’t actually do. In fact, it is downright
The vast majority of people
who tried to similarly do so would not end up with Oprah’s seal of approval and
Reese Witherspoon playing them in a movie. Rather, they would end up dead in an
abandoned bus like Christopher McCandless of
Into The Wild fame. I have no
love-loss for this story either but Chris was probably, at worst, just
unprepared for his journey. (As for the author of the Spain article, they at
least seemed to be a seasoned runner who had researched this trail
There are so many fantastic and true stories to be told in
this world. Why the ones which are dubious at best catch the eyes of so many is
baffling and sad.
I read account after
account on running stories where people claim to have not even known that
marathon was happening in whatever town and just signed up on a whim.
No, you didn’t. You might not have paid for
the race until the day before but you knew it existed.
You had been training. You were ready to take
on that challenge. Your story,
without embellishment, is enough to inspire. You
needn’t try to convince people to be impressed. Those who want to be impressed
will be so. Those on the fence are probably going to see through the chicanery.
Those who don’t like you or don’t care are going to continue to not like you or
care. You could save their mother from a burning house and they would still
call it self-promotion.
So, taper not only your workouts for your race but your need
to play up that which is already inspiring and wonderful.
In the meantime, stop glorifying those who do
not deserve it. There are heroes all around us. People with incredible tales
that need no CGI or embellishment. Find
those people and share their stories. Stories like those in
Wild need no celebration. They are
exercises in futile navel-gazing with no payoff whatsoever. If this was a novel
we would speak of the main character going nowhere.
We went all this way to get nothing.
Instead, it is a “true” story of a woman who
has changed nothing about herself except her bank account. As I recoiled more
and more at the thought of how this book smacks of so much bullcrap ala
A Million Little Pieces (another Oprah pick, by the way) I purposefully looked up
positive reviews.
I wanted to see what
someone could possibly find riveting and/or inspiring. Time and again, I sat
there reading a review thinking: “Wait. What book are they reviewing?” I
finally had to stop reading the positive reviews because how completely
off-base they were was driving me mad.
The fact remains I would be completely unsurprised if 90% of
this book was fictional. I would also be
completely unsurprised if the 10% which was true were all the unseemly
character traits of Strayed. But even if that were the case, it won’t be
remembered as such. Instead, it will be
remembered, somehow as #1 presently on Excursion Guides on Amazon even though
there is hardly ten words in the book anyone wanting to hike the PCT would use
as a guide.
Many will say, where's the foul? If people gain inspiration from anywhere, that is a good thing. Perhaps that is true but the foul starts and ends with paying homage to some when others, who richly deserve it, go completely unheralded. Who here has heard of Kathy Faulks, Laurie Dressler, Debbie Higgins or Laura Seltzer? These four women just happened to hike the entire PCT the same year Strayed was out there with her ankles up in the area playing Russian Roulette with her health and occasionally hiking a bit. Where is their book? Why is it nearly impossible to find information about their journey? That is a book which should be available to buy and read.
This all said, I do, however, think Wild would make an excellent addition to
your hiking backpack. You are going to eventually need some kindling to start a fire up there on the trail.