I had a nice pad to stand on but it just wasn’t enough. Then I happened across the FluidStance Level. I got in touch with the company and before long I had one under my feet. It has rarely left my feet since then. (Disclaimer: I didn’t pay for the product but FluidStance never said I had to write a review for it anyway. As an extremely active man who also writes, my feeling is they had faith in their product and if I had something good to say, I would do so.)
Let's get to the review. From their web site:
The Level by FluidStance is a work platform that elicits subtle, constant movement below your feet to increase your range of motion and heart rate. Developed primarily as a tool for your immediate workspace, it can be used in common areas of both the home and office, or as a complement to a stand-up desk. The patent-pending design allows you to change the overall aesthetics via interchangeable top decks, floating bumpers, and base plates.
OK, that is what they have to say. This is what I have to say.
First off, just check out this bad boy. It looks like an art deco surfboard. Totally sweet. And do looks matter? Well, yes they do. It matters much more if it works but saying it is not a bonus to enjoy looking at what you use daily would be a lie. I do, in fact, enjoy looking at it. It is the closest I think we are ever coming to Marty McFly's Hoverboard (and on those damn wheeled things that calls themselves hoverboards are NOT hoverboards and should be banished to Dante's 8th ring of Hell.)
Second, you will use it every day because it is enjoyable to use. I figured it would be a once in a while sort of thing with me only using it on those days I want to rock out and spin and dip to some great music. But when my standing desk is up, I am using the FluidStance Level. When something which is marketed as being good for your health to use is actually fun to use, we can add another bonus points to the people at Fluidstance. Looks matter.
Third, because of this invariable constant use, the Levele better be sturdy. Without a doubt it is just that. Moreoever, I thought there might be some chance of the Level scratch up my floors. Many months of use and no such ding has appeared. And not from a lack of me spinning around like a damnable fool on it, either.
Now, Some may balk at the price tag of the Level but as it appears to be a one-time purchase (no upgrades when the iPhone wants to put a bigger screen or what not) you can see it as something you are using for a long time. As such, it better be made well. Which it is. I can understand how some may find it out of their price range and that is the way with every product. Are there similar products out there which cost less? Sure. Are they better? I doubt it.
Fourth, I was surprised how I was actually a teensy bit sore from using the Level at first. But it was a good sore. More like I was tried than sore, actually. Like another additional workout added into the day. Sure it is a small workout and after a few months, even standing on it for 8 hours would have you plateauing but that is the same of any exercise. That is why I can run 250 miles in a month and gain weight. Should that be a downside of the Level and should they not mention its health benefits? Of course not! It is a wonderful side benefit of a pretty spectacular little device.
Fifth, I do not do rather sensitive things while I am working on the computer like precision Photoshop. As such I cannot say if the little bit of motion from the FluidStance would be a hindrance. I know that I could type, use my mouse, and everything else without a problem. In addition, as I rarely am standing or sitting for too long (both cause me discomfort after a while) if I did need precision I would simply use my small downtime of sitting to do those tasks. Again, this is pure speculation as I had no problem doing anything I needed to do.
1 comment:
I'm going to see if work will buy this. Better than the treadmill desk (that we have to share).
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