I am starting a 7-week straight stretch of marathons (which will hopefull grow to include at least one more week). I will break down what I will be doing or planning to do at each one of these races.
First off on 04.11 is the brand-new Illinois Marathon.
Next up, I get to entertain and inspire in my new town of Salt Lake City at the Salt Lake City Marathon on 04.18.
I will be the featured speaker at the SLC Marathon and while the final schedule of when I will be speaking is not set, you can rest assured I will be at the expo and happily signing books as well!
The end of April will have me once again being the featured speaker and 3:10 pace group leader at the Kentucky Derby Marathon on 04.25.
The first weekend of May has me taking part in the revamped Pittsburgh Marathon on 05.03.
Fortunately for me, I will be revising my role as a Charity Chaser, something I absolutely love to do. If you are not familiar with this particular role, let me use the words of the Pittsburgh Marathon itself!
"By starting dead last, Dane will attempt to overtake as many runners as possible as he weaves his way through the boroughs of Pittsburgh. For every runner than Dane passes, sponsors will made a donation to Pittsburgh Promise, visionary scholarship program vows to help all students in Pittsburgh Public Schools plan, prepare, and pay for education beyond high school at an accredited post-secondary institution within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania."
This will be the third marathon I have served as the Charity Chaser for and I hope to top the nearly $12,000 I raised for the United Way of Baltimore at the Baltimore Marathon last October!

Continuing my new state quest and continuing my role as a 3:10 pace group leader, on 05.09 I will find myself at the Fargo Marathon.
I will once again be at the expo signing books but this time also sharing the speaking stage at the pasta Dinner with some other wonderful people as well. Now that the pending flood waters in Fargo have receded, I know the Fargo Marathon people are hard at work to make things just great.
I return to the site of my one-time persoanl best at the Ogden Marathon on 05.16.
Speaking all day long about my 52 Marathons, marathon prep-techniques and how to run the Ogden Marathon, I will be a busy guy! I hope to once again set a new PR on this very-forgiving course.
And for the third time in four weeks I get to knock off yet another new state from my running list as I hit the Stillwater Marathon on 05.24.
Speaking both days of the expo, signing books and once again pacing the 3:10 group will keep me quite busy in the birthplace of Minnesota!
So there you have it. for those wondering which races I have coming up, I just named seven great marathons for you. Check back for recaps as always on every one as my adventures take me all over the country!

Hey Dane,
I ran Fargo back in 07. It's a great race, very well organized. I did just read on Marathon Guide that they may have to change the course this year because of the flooding. Apparently, some of the temporary earthen levees cross the marathon course and there's no guarantee that they'll be removed by May, especially considering the April rains and snow melt are still on the way. So, their continengcy course is a 13 mile loop that the marathoners would run twice. Should be right up your alley!
Enjoy, Fargo, Dane. I paced it in 2007 (4:15 group), and I had a woman in my group who was 59 qualify for Boston - it was a tremendous feeling knowing that I helped her PR. There is also a great Italian restaurant downtown!
Hopefully the flood water will recede as the great folks in Fargo put on a fantastic race!
Wow that will be seven busy weeks. Very inspiring and makes me wonder how you recover after every race? I have never done more than one marathon a year but I'm thinking about running two or threes this year.
if you got time feel free to check out my blog about my running.
Hey Dane,
I'll also be at the Kentucky Derby Marathon. I've heard it's a good one. Sadly, it will be another "injury special" which means I will be running to finish without making things worse.
See you in Pittburgh!
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