When I was given a Nite Beam armband to test run, I wasn't exactly blown away by any sort of inventiveness at first. I have worn lighted warning products for years at night and didn't expect anything different with this one. However, I was pleasantly surprised. On my run that evening down the Lake Shore Drive trail from my hotel to check out Soldier Field, the arm-band caught the eye of just about every passer-by. It was unmistakably bright and with the option of keeping it light constantly or have it blinking, I noticed it really did make me more obvious to those around me. As I was running on a car-free running path I could not test its effectiveness with actual traffic but he bright lights also lit the road ahead of me, letting me know that it was definitely making its presence known.
I felt the button that activated the light was a little too thick and mentioned this to the creators. They assured me they were working on that presently and would employ a system used i their hats to make it less obtrusive in the future. Also, I felt the Velcro band around my arm was a little too stiff. Granted, I basically took it out of the box and but it on my arm, and therefore it may need some breaking it. Nevertheless, I think a softer foam rubber under-coating would have made it a much better product For my 7 mile run it was perfectly comfortable but as an ultramarathoner, I think in much longer terms of running!
If the softness of the band is improved and the button made less fat, I think this will be an all-around top-notch product. But with the one I tested, I think there were small tweaks which could be made to make it even better. As such, I give it 3.5 SeeDaneRuns with the potential to go up even further.
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