And then he was doing it again a few weeks later.
I will let his own words describe his first set of 50ks here. But for the brief gist is as such:
PigTails 50k
Lake Youngs Watershed (Renton, Washington)
Saturday, January 26, 2008 (7:30am)
Start 26°, End 36°, Overcast with late rain
First Half 2:29:27 distance 15.54 pace 9:37
Second Half 2:38:34 distance 15.54 pace 10:12
Marathon Split 4:15:05 distance 26.22 pace 9:44
Run Time: 5:08:01
Yours Truly 50k
Cedar River Trailhead (Landsberg, Washington)
Sunday, January 27, 2008 (7:45am)
Start 32°, End 38°, Mostly cloudy with sunbreaks and snow
First Half 3:04:21 distance 15.57 pace 11:50
Second Half 2:51:08 distance 15.57 pace 11:00
Marathon Split 5:02:39 distance 26.22 pace 11:33
Run Time: 5:55:29
what is most fun is that Tim ran the Yours turly on a skirt. his words:
"With 350 registered runners, the race filled up by the end of last month. Every year they have something they call the "skirt division." a bunch of guys show up wearing skirts, and before the race they get up on picnic tables and there is an "applause-o-meter" type voting on who looks the best in a skirt."
Tim was going for best legs division. He might have won!
His second set of 50ks included one run solely on a treadmill. Ugh!
Here is the brief synopsis:
Hagg Lake 50k- hilly, technical single-track trail, muddy,
35degrees at the start, 54 at the end.
I had injured a tendon in the arch of my foot stupidly the day before, 6:01:17
Yours Truly 50k- treadmill, fast, still injured, and now sore... my splits were:
5k 34:02 10:59 min/mile
10k 1:06:46 10:46 min/mile
Half Marathon 2:21:06 10:46 min/mile
25k Halfway!! 2:46:36 10:43 min/mile
Marathon 4:41:15 10:44 min/mile
50k 5:28:26 10:34 min/mile
4:46 negative split, most of which I made up in the last 3 miles averaging about an 8:30pace
You van read his own full write up on his OWN BLOG HERE.
Way to go Tim!!
Nice story, Dane.
I know it's not the same, but I enjoyed the fun PA double from your neck of the woods: Groundhog 50k and Presque Isle. I wondered if you've ever run Punxy.
I have only done two 50ks and they were both last year.
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